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Welcome to our green initiative

As demand for our products continues to grow significantly, we’re conscious of our responsibility to set the right environmental example. That’s why we’ve been making a number of changes to the way we operate – reducing our carbon footprint.

As an innovative and forward-thinking business, we know how important it is to plan for the future – namely, sustainability. That’s why, through our green initiative, we’re ensuring that we don’t just comply with our eco obligations, but actually go much further.

By considering a variety of factors during design and development, we work to reduce the carbon footprint of our products. Inherently, Flexeserve® and our flagship product, Flexeserve Zone® help our businesses sell more and waste less, through:

  • Innovative and unique energy-saving features
  • Reduced thermal impact on store environment
  • Extended shelf-life to reduce food waste
  • Reduced single-use plastic packaging
  • The promotion and co-development of recyclable and compostable food packaging

However, our green initiative doesn’t stop at our products. Below are some of the recent improvements we’ve made in order to make our own operations more eco-friendly.

Reusable delivery packaging

Packaging is a major contributor to the pollution of the planet. All Flexeserve Zone® units had previously been shipped using a protective plastic wrapping that was disposed of after delivery. We’ve now replaced the metres and metres of wrapping needed to protect a unit with a reusable solution that eliminates the need for single-use plastic.

The padded zip-up jackets, affectionately referred to as ‘sleeping bags’, are placed over units when they are shipped out. Once delivered, the hardwearing jackets are then returned to our facility in Hinckley and reused on the next batch of Flexeserve Zone® units.

Following successful trials, we’ve also updated our international shipping packaging. Previously, we used wooden crates and pallets that were single-use and extremely difficult for our customers to dispose of. We are delighted to have now switched to a recyclable cardboard pallet and sleeve. This custom-designed recyclable pallet and container offers all of the protection of traditional wooden shipping crates, whilst significantly reducing the waste material that could have been created had we continued to use the single-use option.

Factory floor at Flexeserve HQ lit by new energy efficient lighting as part of the Flexeserve green initiative


Lighting forms a significant part of the energy consumed by any business. We’ve recently replaced all the lighting within our Flexeserve® factory in Hinckley with a new energy-efficient LED system, which has reduced our CO2 output by 42 tonnes per year.

A system of sensors throughout the facility intelligently detects the use of individual areas and adjusts the level of light accordingly. Lighting in areas with limited use go into ‘sleep mode’ and are activated only when needed, as one of our Partners enters that zone.

Installing this system into our manufacturing facility has prompted us to think differently about all areas of our head office to understand the further CO2 reductions we could make.

Upgraded vehicles

To drastically reduce our fossil fuel usage, we’re replacing all company vehicles at the end of their lease with modern hybrid or electric vehicles. This also includes our Flexeserve® Customer Support fleet that services the technical requirements of our UK customers. We’re accompanying this move to ‘greener’ vehicles with charge points on our premises for Partner and visitor use.

A great start to our green initiative

We’re well aware that our eco journey isn’t over, but these measures are a great start for Flexeserve®. Jamie Joyce, Chief Executive of Flexeserve®, said: “We’re proud of the steps we’ve taken so far to reduce our carbon footprint.

“We know there is plenty more that needs to, and can, be done and we’re always looking for ways to minimise the business impact on the environment.

“I think it’s in our DNA, so to speak. Flexeserve Zone® is packed with energy-saving features, such as the hot air curtains and the ability to shut off zones independently when you’re not using them.

“Our competitors don’t offer these features, but they play a major role in minimising the energy consumption of hot-holding. Ultimately, less energy used means lower running costs and reduced environmental impact.”

For more information about Flexeserve Zone® and how we can support your business in creating green hot food-to-go solutions, please contact us.

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