Improving hot food in the kitchen, at the counter and on the doorstep.
Fresh from NAFEM, Flexeserve has been helping customers with its unique hot-holding equipment and expertise. Let’s get to work; it’s time to change your game!
A range of amazing operators flocked to see Flexeserve, a manufacturer and leader in hot-holding. We were thrilled to create such a buzz at the show, demonstrating how we can revolutionize your hot food program.
Dave Hinton, President of the Americas at Flexeserve Inc., said: “NAFEM was incredible. We had a fantastic exhibition showing operators, rep groups and dealers how Flexeserve raises the hot food game to a whole new level.
“If you want to raise your game, please do get in touch. I look forward to continuing these conversations and advancing grab and go across the Americas, ahead of opening our U.S. HQ later this spring.”
What we do
Not only do we manufacture the best heated displays in the world, Flexeserve will help you make more profit from your hot food.
We enable operators to sell more and waste less by improving food quality and product range. Our equipment and expertise also help reduce the labor and energy usage needed to serve hot food.

Your true hot-holding partner
Flexeserve is the industry leader in hot-holding, supporting a diverse range of household name operators around the world.
As your hot-holding partner, we can transform how you make and serve hot food – delivering incredible ROI by achieving unmatched efficiency, waste reduction and profitability.

Tackle your hot food challenges head-on with our equipment and expertise.
How we do it
The combination of our unique equipment and expertise cannot be found anywhere else. We make the world’s best hot-holding units and support them with an all-in-one service, Flexeserve Solution, for incredible results. Click below to find out more.
Introducing Flexeserve Hub
Flexeserve Hub is a revolutionary, high-capacity hot-holding unit that's transforming food quality and operational efficiency. Hub is designed to be perfect for both busy kitchens and operators with food models such as delivery, pickup, takeaway and drive-thru.
Click PLAY to find out more!
Meet the experts
Ask our team how you can transform your hot food program, to sell more and waste less.
I want to find out more
Read our brochure to discover how Flexeserve can benefit you.
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